Remote Working

203.47 NZD

1.5 Hours Formal CPD

This resource is included when you have an active subscription to our Qualification Package.

Being able to effectively work remotely is essential in the recent business world. This course provides best practice and techniques for managers to enhance efficiency with remote working.

Learning outcomes

  • Communicate effectively with your remote team members
  • Create an employee performance improvement plan to handle poor performing team members
  • Adopt best practices of virtual meeting facilitation to encourage the involvement and the attention of your employees or project team members
  • Upcoming Dates

    Course information

    This course is developed with best practices for remoting working, includes how to effectively start a remote meeting, using the right tools to inform, choosing the right moment to interact, and adopting a circular view on reporting. implementing rituals that allow the team to track its progress, stimulating interactions to ensure team's commitment.

    Course Content

    There are four modules in this interactive e-learning

    • Remote Management: effective ways to communicate with team members 
    • Remote Management: handle poor performing employees
    • Lead meetings remotely

    Purchasing Information

    You will be asked to complete payment in order to enrol onto this course. Enrolment is activated through completing the payment process by clicking the 'Buy Now' button. Upon payment, you will be able to access the content for the enrolment period through clicking on the 'Enter Area' button.

    Additional information

    Enrollment duration: 90 Days

    Languages: English French

    Category: Business and Management Skills

    Price: 203.47 NZD

    Member price: 169.55 NZD

    Course Type: E-Learning