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5 Results Found


Being able to effectively work remotely is essential in the recent business world. This course provides best practice and techniques for managers to enhance efficiency with remote working.

£90.00 + VAT if applicable

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Team projects require a careful management approach, balancing the independence of employees with project priorities and context. This course will demonstrate how you can motivate your team through a shared project.

£210.00 + VAT if applicable

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Managing change is about supporting individuals, teams and organisations understand and adapt to the constant changes happening around them. In today’s business environment, successful leaders demonstrate flexibility and are able to motivate and...

£180.00 + VAT if applicable

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The Fundamentals management e-learning course is designed to enable you to explore the various management styles and adopt these techniques into your management roles. It focuses on the different skills of a manager and explore strategies for...

£270.00 + VAT if applicable

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This e-learning course has been designed to enhance the skills for any professional who wants to improve their wellbeing at work.

£150.00 + VAT if applicable

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