
179.95 EUR

5.0 Hours Formal CPD

This resource is included when you have an active subscription to our Qualification Package.

This e-learning course has been designed to enhance the skills for any professional who wants to improve their wellbeing at work.

Learning outcomes

  • The consequences of your stress on the organisation where your work
  • Acquire tools and techniques to develop personal resilience and bounce back positively in times of stress and uncertainty
  • To better manage your attention while working remotely including and how to focus effectively and manage distractions
  • Upcoming Dates

    Course information

    The course includes understanding and analysing the effects of stress and how to be resilient. It will also look at how to focus on work and remove distractors as well as learning how to listen to yourself and manage your energy and achieve better performance that can lead to a healthier, more energetic and emotionally balanced life.

    In the course, you will be learning:

    • How to deal with stress
    • How to develop mental toughness and resilience
    • How to stay focused, positive and calm for successful remote working
    • Well-being in remote working
    • How to manage your energy for high performance

    Additional information

    Languages: English

    Category: Business and Management Skills

    Price: 179.95 EUR

    Member price: 149.96 EUR

    Course Type: E-Learning