UK & Ireland Managing Insolvencies in The Construction Industry Webinar - Recorded 29/08/2024

79.35 NZD

1.0 Hours Formal CPD

Identifying signs of insolvency and strategies for managing its potential impact on construction projects.

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On Demand (Recording)

Course information

Join this webinar to find out more about ways to identify and mitigate instances of insolvency that are affecting your business, from warning signs all the way through to post-insolvency rebuilding.

Get guidance on the legal distinctions between insolvency, bankruptcy and liquidation, and background on the causes of insolvency, including cash flow issues, project delays, and contractual disputes. Be provided with legal and regulatory background on insolvency regulations and understand your specific rights and obligations as a contractor, subcontractor, supplier or client.

Identify strategies to prevent early signs of potential insolvency, including payment delay and an increase in disputes. Learn best practices for financial and contract management to avoid insolvency, and know what steps to take if it occurs on your project, with a breakdown of processes such as administration, receivership and liquidation.

Lastly, equip yourself with tools for rebuilding relationships and reputations after insolvency, and explore financial management techniques that minimise the potential for re-occurrence in future.

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Learning outcomes

  • Learn the legal and regulatory definitions surrounding insolvency, and understand the different economic and contractual circumstances that can cause it
  • Hear strategies for identifying and preventing early signs
  • What to do after insolvency, including methods for rebuilding reputation and approaching the repair of working relationships
  • Additional information

    Category: Built environment and construction

    Price: 79.35 NZD

    Member price: 58.78 NZD

    Course Type: Webinar

    Location: Online