UK & Ireland Assessment of Competence of Building Control Professionals for BSR Registration Webinar - Recorded 30/07/2024

45.46 USD

1.0 Hours Formal CPD

The stages of registration required to ensure compliance with the Building Safety Act

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On Demand (Recording)

Course information

This webinar is designed to provide guidance to Building Control Professionals for the completion of BSR registration.

This webinar will equip prospective applicants with information about what is needed from them at their next stage of registration, including guidance on the submission of a technical report and competence statement, and advice for professional review interviews.

The webinar will touch on concerns relating to registrants’ wellbeing, and the importance of employers providing support to those who are undergoing the job of registering whilst continuing their usual job responsibilities. The session will also cover the possible professional outcomes arising from a scenario where applicants don’t gain a Classification, including the potential for demotion or loss of employment.

With the help of the guide developed by CABE, attendees will be advised on aspects including Class and Scope matrix, to ensure they are compliant with all stages of the registration.


  • Cliff L’Aimable - RICS Appointed Chair of the Professional Group Panel, and CEO of Building Control Surveyors Approved Inspectors

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Learning outcomes

  • To be able to identify the stages required within the assessment of competence of building control professionals for BSR Registration
  • To identify the evidence required for registration
  • To identify which Class your organisation should be registering against
  • Additional information

    Category: Built environment and construction

    Price: 45.46 USD

    Member price: 33.68 USD

    Course Type: Webinar

    Location: Online