Certificate in Residential Valuation Methodology

1530.00 GBP

100.0 Hours Formal CPD

This resource is available at a reduced price when you have an active subscription to our Qualification Package.

Unlock the residential valuation paradigm with global methodologies and International Valuation Standards guidance.

Learning outcomes

  • Remain vigilant to address challenges to the consistent valuation beyond COVID- 19 and of buildings affected by latest mandatory requirements (Fire Safety Act, etc.)
  • Recognize and relate to more specific global referencing documents in regards of legislation, practice guides and standards, etc.
  • Understand how to evidence comparable valuation analysis and create an audit trail with appropriate due diligence.
  • Consider a wider range of valuation instructions from buy to let to building plots.
  • Compile compliant terms of engagement and valuation reports with Valuation Standards for every valuation instruction.
  • Approach the use of modern methods of Proptech and the latest thinking in market analyses with a pragmatic business focus.
  • Upcoming Dates

    Course information

    This is an online course that you can study in your own time. There are five modules, plus an exam at the end of the course. In each module, you have access to eLearning, reading, case study and a quiz. You also have access to recorded consolidation sessions, where a tutor will take you through the module, case study and any tricky elements of learning. Each module is expected to take you one month. You are given a further two months to complete your exam and complete any further outstanding work. After this time, the course will end, and you will no longer have access to these materials.

    Valuation underpins all property-based transactions. Consequently, many instruct and rely upon a professional property valuation in order to fully understand the transaction and the positions of the various parties involved. Through case-study work and real-life scenarios, this course has been designed to give you the detailed practical knowledge required for residential valuation, focusing on the main competencies of valuation practice. This includes guidance and best practices on how to write Red Book compliant reports. This will ensure that any valuation report meets RICS as well as international standards.

    This course will give you the breadth of knowledge required to apply the principles of residential valuation on a day-to-day basis. Covering all key aspects of residential valuation, this course will give a full breakdown of the process for creating a residential property valuation to RICS and international standards.

    Who is the course aimed at?

    • APC/Assoc candidates on the pathway of Valuation, or Residential Valuation pathway or other candidates
    • Professionals with at least 2 years of experience in valuation or who have completed the RICS Valuation Foundation Programme
    • Professionals who need to create or work with residential valuations on a day-to-day basis including valuers and professionals working in finance functions or departments who use residential valuation reports

    Method of study

    This is an online course that you can study in your own time. There are five modules, plus an exam at the end of the course. In each module, you have access to eLearning, reading, case study and a quiz. You also have access to recorded consolidation sessions, where a tutor will take you through the module, case study, and any tricky elements of learning. Each module is expected to take you one month. You are given a further two months to complete your exam and complete any further outstanding work. After this time, the course will end, and you will no longer have access to these materials. 

    What support do you receive?

    During the course, you will have access to a course discussion forum. If you have any technical questions about the subject, don’t hesitate to post for support from our tutors. 
    Should you encounter any difficulties with the course materials, whether it is a technical or content-related issue, please contact the Online Academy team: onlineacademy@rics.org.

    Further Guidance


    +44 (0) 24 768 685 84

    Additional information

    Enrollment duration: 214 Days

    Languages: English

    Category: Real Estate

    Price: 1530.00 GBP

    Member price: 1133.00 GBP

    Detailed course guide

    Course Type: Training Programme

