Product ID Title SKU Price Member price Coins Member Coins Type Is it active? Expiry Date Edit link
2965 Global Unconscious Bias in Valuation Webinar (August 2023) GCPD-UNBVAL-100823
7 5 Webinar Yes
2966 Drone Surveying of Land (June 2023) RCPD-DRONES-050623
7 5 Webinar Yes
2975 UK An Overview of the Four Pillars of Residential Surveying - Recorded 26/04/2024 RCPD-4PILL-260424
7 5 Webinar Yes
2979 Global Risk Management of International Infrastructure Projects - Recorded 14/02/2024 GCPD-RMII-201223
7 5 Webinar Yes
2985 UK Valuation Report Webinar - Recorded 23/04/2024 RCPD-UKVALR-111223
7 5 Webinar Yes
2993 UK & Ireland A Client-Focused Response to RAAC Webinar - Recorded 13/12/2023 RCPD-RAAC-131223
7 5 Webinar Yes
2998 Global Planned Preventative Maintenance Webinar - Recorded 16/01/2024 GCPD-PPM-160124
7 5 Webinar Yes
2999 Global Valuing in a High Interest-Rate Economy Webinar - Recorded 18/01/2024 GCPD-VHIRE-180124
7 5 Webinar Yes
3000 Global Case Studies in Retrofit and Surveying Webinar - Recorded 24/01/2024 GCPD-GCSRF-240124
7 5 Webinar Yes
3001 Global ESG Data for Investors and Traders Webinar - Recorded 08/02/2024 GCPD-ESGDATA-080224
7 5 Webinar Yes
