Product ID Title SKU Price Member price Coins Member Coins Type Is it active? Expiry Date Edit link
3197 UK & Ireland Rural Conference 2024 RC-RURAL-2024
22 Conference Yes
3198 Global Valuing Intellectual Property Webinar - Recorded 11/09/2024 GCPD-VINTP-110924
7 5 Webinar Yes
3199 UK & Ireland Retrofit or New Building Webinar - Recorded 27/08/2024 RCPD-RTRNEW-270824
7 5 Webinar Yes
3200 UK & Ireland Roles Within the Building Safety Act - Recorded 25/07/2023 RCPD-BSAW-250723
7 5 Webinar Yes
3201 Global Red Book Standards 2024: Consultation Webinar on Proposed Changes - Recorded 16/07/2024 SRW-REDBOOK-160724
7 5 Webinar Yes
3202 Global Review: Exploring Why Buildings Collapse Webinar - Recorded 04/07/2023 GCPD-WBCOL-040723
7 5 Webinar Yes
3203 UK & Ireland Impact of the Building Safety Act on the Construction Industry - Recorded 21/06/2023 RCPD-BSACI-210623
7 5 Webinar Yes
3204 UK National Underground Asset Registry Case Study Webinar - Recorded 04/12/2024 RCPD-NUAR-120924
7 5 Webinar Yes
3205 Global Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and Residential Homes Webinar - Recorded 24/09/2024 GCPD-MMC-240924
7 5 Webinar Yes
3206 IEMA Pathways to Net Zero EL-IEMA-SUS
E-Learning Yes
