Product ID | Title | SKU | Price | Member price | Coins | Member Coins | Type | Is it active? | Expiry Date | Edit link |
2407 | Rules of Conduct Webinar | SRW-RULESOFCONDUCT |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2408 | Anti-Money Laundering Webinar – Customer Due Diligence (CDD) & Digital Identities | SRW-ANTIMONEYCDD |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2409 | RICS NRM: New Rules of Measurement Webinar | SRW-RICSNRM |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2410 | Land Administration and Cadastre – Critical for Social Justice and Economic Development | SRW-LANDADMINCAD |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2411 | An Overview of Various Delay Analysis Techniques and Respective Advantages and Disadvantages | MEE-DW-VDATRAD |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2412 | RICS in Switzerland Annual Update | MEE-DW-SUIANN |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2413 | La Sostenibilidad en las Valoraciones | MEE-DW-LASOSVAL |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2414 | Innovations in Middle East Construction Industry | MEE-DW-INNOVMIDE |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2415 | BuiltTech: People, Technology, Business and Projects | MEE-DW-BUILTTECH |
Webinar | Yes | ||||
2416 | Economie Circulaire: Quell Bilan Tirer des Initiatives et Experimentations Contretes deja Engagees? | MEE-DW-ECOCIRFRA |
Webinar | Yes |