Getting Qualified
Browse our catalogue of Getting Qualified courses and increase your knowledge and understanding
6 Results Found

Understanding the APC
In order to successfully progress through your APC, you need a clear understanding of the different stages and what is required of you.
This course will provide you a clear structure and guidance to help you start your APC journey...
£69.00 + VAT if applicable

APC Mock Interview
Demystify the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) and understand the key elements of the final interview.
£152.00 + VAT if applicable

Understanding the AssocRICS Qualification
Understanding the assessment process is equally important for current and potential and AssocRICS candidates. This course can help candidates understand the process details and effectively prepare for their application.
£69.00 + VAT if applicable

Understanding the Senior Professional Assessment (SPA)
Understanding the assessment process is equally important for current and potential SPA candidates. This course can help SPA candidates to understand the process details and effectively prepare for their application.
£69.00 + VAT if applicable

Introduction to the New Rules of Conduct
The new Rules of Conduct will come into force on the 2nd of February 2022, This course will inform you of the changes you can expect.
£0.00 + VAT if applicable

RICS Professionalism Module
One of the characteristics that distinguish an RICS member is the absolute commitment to our Rules of Conduct, including ethical principles. This course will explore the topics through interactive learning modules, scenarios and a “choose your own...