Real Estate
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Matrics Lancashire - Sponsored by the TFA - Recorded 05/07/2023
In conversation with George Dunn, Tenant Farmers Association: the future of agricultural tenancies, taxation and environmental land management.
£0.00 + VAT if applicable

UK Right of Way Webinar - Recorded 29/02/2024
Navigating Property Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding The Lamport v Jones Case
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

UK Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Code of Practice for England - Recorded 09/04/2024
How will the new code of practice affect you?
£0.00 + VAT if applicable

UK Land Administration Domain Model and Land Administration Webinar - Recorded 16/05/2024
Understanding the revised ISO Standard ISO 19152-1:2024 in relation to the land administration domain model.