Construction Project Management
Browse our catalogue of Construction Project Management courses and increase your knowledge and understanding
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Global JCT Delivering Construction Projects - 3 Part Series
Web Class
The aim of this series of three Web Classes is to provide the delegates with a clear understanding of the JCT Contract, and includes sections on; Contract Formation, Contract Selection, and an introduction to 3 of the most common JCT Contracts,...
£254.00 + VAT if applicable

Global Construction Project Management - 3 Part Series
Web Class
This three-part webinar series will focus on Construction Project Management in relation to the following three topics; Delays and Disruption, Loss & Expense and Variations Management. It provides a broad and informative introduction to the...
£254.00 + VAT if applicable

NEC Principles and NEC4 Engineering & Construction Contracts - 3 Part Series
Web Class
NEC contracts are widely used both domestically and internationally. It is essential to know when, why and how to use the contracts as each contract has its own specific function depending on the project.
£254.00 + VAT if applicable

Global Contract Admin - 3 Part Series
Web Class
To administer and manage contracts you need to know all contract details including employer and contractor obligations. Receive best practice guidance as to managing these records and what to record as the contract progresses.