Browse our catalogue of Sustainability courses and increase your knowledge and understanding
7 Results Found

Global Whole Life Carbon: The Basics - Recorded 13/03/2024
How does the Whole Life Carbon Assessment Standard relate to different roles in surveying?
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

UK Modern Methods of Construction Webinar - Recorded 19/03/2024
Are Modern Methods of Construction Truly Good for the Construction Industry?
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

Global Circular Economy for the Built Environment - Recorded 25/06/2024
What is the importance of a circular economy for the built environment?
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

UK Part S and Electric Vehicle Charging Installation Webinar
Building surveyors and building control surveyors play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with ‘Part S’ of the Building Regulations
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

Global Battery Energy Storage System Webinar - Recorded 12/09/2024
Examining the benefits and challenges of battery energy storage systems.
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

UK A Deep Dive into the Initial Stages of a Whole Life Carbon Assessment Webinar - Recorded 03/12/2024
Learn the initial stages of the Whole Life Carbon Assessment, challenges you may face as a surveyor.
£35.10 + VAT if applicable

UK Energy Generation: Opportunities and Challenges for the Construction Industry Webinar
Empowering Construction Surveyors: Navigating Opportunities in the UK’s Evolving Energy Landscape