Browse our catalogue of Valuation courses and increase your knowledge and understanding
3 Results Found
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Global Valuation for Non Valuers - 3 Part Series
Web Class
Are you looking at developing and improving your valuation skills? This training webinar series will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of property valuation that is fundamental to providing appropriate valuation advice.
£254.00 + VAT if applicable

Global Asset Management: Tools, Techniques and Practices - 3 Part Series
Web Class
Identify and understand all components of the Asset Management process and decision. This webinar presents a step-by step-approach to enable you to put together a robust Asset Management Plan.
£254.00 + VAT if applicable

Global Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) - 3 Part Series
Web Class
Join this 3-part web class series to learn about Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), its importance and applications.