Join our expert panel to discuss the viability of government stipulations for new developments on Green Belt Land, including difficulties presented by the proposed 50% allocation of affordable homes for new developments. Listeners will also explore opportunities and issues created by the government’s announcement of a Grey Belt mechanism, including questions surrounding land connectivity and the affordability ratios on the Grey Belt.
Attendees will gain a greater understanding of any difficulties created by a potential transition period for Green Belt reviews, and explore how the rules are evolving to impact developer decision-making against a backdrop of nationally prescribed building targets across the UK.
- Chair: Samer Bagaeen FRICS MRTPI, Professor of Planning and Resilient Systems, University of Kent; Technical Director, Town Planning, Arcadis
- Panelist: Philip Barnes, FRICS Group Land Director, Barratt Redrow
- Panelist: Mike Kiely, Chair, Planning Officers Society