Global Conduct Rules, Ethics and Professional Practice Competency Masterclass - 2 Part Series

137.00 GBP

3.0 Hours Formal CPD

This resource is included when you have an active subscription to our Qualification Package.

Conduct Rules and Ethical principles underpin all actions of the RICS, and for those of you who are looking to gain RICS membership, it is essential you can demonstrate a thorough knowledge in these areas.

Available Classes

Date Price
03 June 2025 - 13:30 BST (+0100)

Course information

June 2025 Schedule

  1. 03/06/2025 | 13:30 - 15:00 (BST)
  2. 10/06/2025 | 13:30 - 15:00 (BST)

Behaving ethically is at the heart of what it means to be a professional; it distinguishes professionals from other in the marketplace. RICS rules of conduct are mandatory for all members so you must familiarise with them.

Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice is a level 3 competency and there is a significant emphasis on it during the interview. You can be referred on professional practice and ethics alone so you must be able to demonstrate your competence on the required level. 

This two-part session is designed to provide you with examples of questions and scenarios that assessors will use when reviewing this key competency. The classes will be very interactive and will allow you to ask questions and seek advice on your own experiences in this competency. 

Part one will look at Rules of Conduct and Money Laundering and will briefly summarise the key aspects of the Bribery Act 2010 and part two will focus on Professional and Ethical standards.

Who Should Attend?

All APC candidates (for any competency)
APC Supervisors and Counsellors that require clarification of what is required by their candidates in the Rules of Conduct and Ethics of Professional Practice

Web Class Series Pre-requisites

Candidates are strongly advised to undertake the Ethics E-learning prior to the session as the session will not revisit the very basis of ethics. Any PER or APC candidates that have registered, or are qualified to register, for the APC/PER schemes.

Draft a sample level three Conduct Rules Ethics and Professional Practice entry for the APC/PER experience record

Pre-Class Reading Material/Post Reading Material

Conduct and Compliance on

Course Content

  • Rules of Conduct for individuals
  • Rules of conduct for firms
  • Money Laundering
  • Brief summary of the key aspects of the Bribery Act 2010
  • Professional and Ethical standards


"A very good course, great practical examples and good advise as how to answer."
Luke Sparkes

"The web class is very related to the ethics and practical standards of property valuation, so the web class outcomes shall be fully incorporated to my day to day work as a real estate valuer."
Ibrahim Elkhalifa


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Learning outcomes

  • Be able to explain, with the use of examples how, to comply with money laundering regulations
  • Be able to explain, with the use of examples how, to comply with the Bribery Act
  • Provide real life examples of the five Professional and Ethical standards that will then be assessed and commented on by the presenter
  • Provide examples of potential conflicts of interest and how to avoid/deal with them, these will then be assessed by the presenter
  • Explain the main requirements of how to set up a RICS regulated company Know how to present and describe Conduct Rules Ethics and Professional Practice competency experience in the requisite APC templates and successfully answer mock questions posed by the presenter
  • Presenter


    Danny Medcalf

    Additional information

    Presenter: Danny Medcalf

    Category: Getting Qualified

    Price: 137.00 GBP

    Member price: 101.00 GBP

    Course Type: Web Class

    Location: Online

    For your business:
    Interested in running this course for your employees? Request a callback from our dedicated training support team by emailing or calling +44 (0)2476868584.