Global Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) - 3 Part Series

254.00 GBP

4.5 Hours Formal CPD

Join this 3-part web class series to learn about Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), its importance and applications.

Available Classes

Date Price
04 June 2025 - 09:30 BST (+0100)

Course information

June 2025 Schedule
  1. 04/06/2025 | 09:30 - 11:00 (BST)
  2. 11/06/2025 | 09:30 - 11:00 (BST)
  3. 18/06/2025 | 09:30 - 11:00 (BST)

Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a valuation model used by investors and advisors to give the present value of an asset where the forecasted cash flow of the asset is discounted back to the valuation date. An explicit discounted cash flow model uses predicted input changes, such as growth, costs and required discount rates

Globally, markets and industries use explicit DCF models in different ways. It is quite common for investors and their advisors to use DCF to calculate the worth of an asset to them.

This web class is in three parts and focuses on:

  • An introduction to DCF and its importance to valuers, which leads to an understanding as to the sectors and assets where DCF models might be appropriate.
  • The series will also look at DCF calculation walkthroughs and examples including application of discount rates, exit values, inputs and variables and how to measure risk.
  • Finally, you will have the opportunity to put your learning into practice, you will review case studies and day to day examples of DCF.

The series will cover the following:

  • An introduction and concept to framework
  • What is DCF? How does it work? How is it applied? Why is it important for valuers? How does the valuation basis impact its use? What sectors/assets might it be particularly appropriate for?
  • DCF calculations – discount rates, exit values, risk measurement including an abstracted model, and inputs and variables
  • Technical and real-life case studies of DCF. Putting the calculations into practice; how to use DCF in day-to-day examples.

Learning outcomes

  • Explain what discounted cash flow (DCF) is and how it works
  • Describe why DCF is important for valuers and how the valuation basis impacts its use
  • Appraise sectors/assets where the use of the DCF model will appropriate
  • Understand and derive discount rates and exit value
  • Consider and calculate risk measurement
  • Use DCF in day to day examples
  • Additional information

    Category: Real Estate

    Price: 254.00 GBP

    Member price: 188.00 GBP

    Course Type: Web Class

    Location: Online

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