Browse our catalogue of Compliance courses and increase your knowledge and understanding
6 Results Found
CPD Hours

Conflicts of Interest
The Conflicts of Interest e-learning course will provide you with an overview of the RICS requirement with regard to conflict of interest.
53,98 € + VAT if applicable

Principles of Health and Safety for Surveyors
Appropriate management of health and safety is a requirement for professionals who are involved in the property industry, this course helps you to recognise your responsibilities to manage and control health and safety related risk.
292,71 € + VAT if applicable

Countering bribery and corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
This course supports you to identify the key responsibilities of complying with the RICS professional statement - Countering bribery and corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing, and how to manage relevant risks within the RICS Rules of...
147,56 € + VAT if applicable

UK & Ireland Anti Money Laundering Supervision for Property Managers - Recorded 21/09/2023
Understanding your AML regulatory obligations and expectations.
59,98 € + VAT if applicable

UK & Ireland Anti Money Laundering Supervision for Lettings Agents - Recorded 18/10/2023
Understanding your AML regulatory obligations and expectations.
59,98 € + VAT if applicable

UK & Ireland Anti Money Laundering Q&A Forum for Estate Agents - Recorded 16/11/2023
Lessons learned from AML scenarios – deep dive discussion.