Access Ethics module from ARC


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Virtual counsellor course completion


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Membership Courses


Distance Learning Deferral


Distance Learning Deferral

Our deferral process will allow you to go onto the next instance of the course, at a cost of £200.00+VAT. This covers all the administration and re-registration with our course providers, hence providing further 6 months access inclusive of exam fees.

To purchase the Deferral, please Click Here

*Don’t forget to email with your order number and start date that you would like to defer onto. Please visit to view the next available start dates.

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Exam Extension:


Distance Learning Exams

Towards the end of the distance learning course, you are required to complete your final exam. Please refer to your course calendar to check your exam dates.

If you have missed the exam window or require further exam attempts, you can apply for an exam extension providing it is within one month after the exam window has closed. You can also apply for an exam extension, if you have failed both your exam attempts.

To apply for an exam extension, allowing you 14 days access and two exam attempts, this is at a cost of £50.00+VAT.

To purchase the Exam extension, please Click Here

*Don’t forget to email with your order number, to activate the exam extension.

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Access Ethics module from ARC

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